Sugar in the fuel tank!

This year, again, the movement for climate justice has intensified further. Many climate camps and actions against global capitalism – organized in mass actions as well as small affinity groups – have taken place, and there’s no end to be foreseen. We’re getting more in number and more multifaceted. That’s great!

We see ourselves, “Zucker im Tank” (German for “sugar in the fuel tank”) as an addition to the other structures that already exist – aiming for an even stronger and more diverse resistance. “Zucker im Tank” as one of the players wants to support affinity groups and their actions and increase their visibility.

We continue focusing on the support of unpredictable, direct and creative actions anytime and anywhere.
Our common basis with other players is the insight that climate change needs to be confronted right where it is created. And it’s never been only about lignite excavation … we welcome that also issues like industrial farming, hard coal and traffic are being targeted by the movement more and more.

Climbing-Action at RWE-tower in Essen


[sorry, only in German. This is a press report found at]

AktivistInnen von ROBIN WOOD haben heute Vormittag zwischen Säulen vor dem RWE-Tower in Essen ein Banner mit der Aufschrift „Capitalism kills climate“ gespannt. Zusammen mit Aktiven am Boden fordern sie den Ausstieg aus der Kohle und das Ende des blinden Wachstumswahns von Politik und Konzernen. Ihre Kritik richten sie gegen die Logik, in der private Profitinteressen über Gemeinwohl und Klimagerechtigkeit stehen.

Continue reading Climbing-Action at RWE-tower in Essen

Climate Struggle not only takes place once a year – Defend Hambach Forest!

For the action days this year and the climate camps many people from across Europe will come to Rhineland. We hope that again diverse and strong actions will give a hard time to the company RWE. Only, most of the activists will leave after 29th of August – the struggle against coal seems to be an event that only takes place once a year.

We want to use the presence of hundreds of activists in Hambacher Forst to prepare for the next cutting season. We need supporters and fellows to be able to oppose the company RWE. We will need diverse ideas and forms of action. There is much to be done. Be it to build platforms, prepare actions, build contacts and networks. Let us deal with the imminent repression openly and in solidarity. If the state tries to separate and weaken us with court cases, police violence and zivil law suits we should get together and support each other as much as possible.

The massive number of activists will be accompanied by a massive number of police. Last year showed that also prosecution uses its presence to act against occupations. Directly after the Ende Gelände action days in 2016 the LAUtonomia forest occupation in Lusatia (Lausitz) was evicted. We don’t want to give the police the opportunity to repeat this procedure in the rhineland. Therefore we need many people who stay longer than only during the climate camps. The danger to be confronted with an overpowering police action will be reduced if we continue our presence in the forest after the camps. If only for some days, weeks or longer: Come into Hambacher Forst and let the struggle for climate justice not only be a festival event but carry it 365 days a year around in the woods, on the streets, the diggers and railways!